Monday, December 2, 2013

who i am thankful for

sorry about this late post but here it goess. the people that i am thankful for in my 6th period mr mccarthy english class is all the people that raise their hands in class and  i hope you know who they are brecause it is always the same four people and yes they all happen to be girls which is besides the point. the reason that i am thankful for these people is because i quite happy that you dont call on people like me unless i want to talk and i will make my self presnt by raising my hand and speaking.

but i just want to make a shout out to all those people in 6th period mccarthy english and i just want them to know how much i am thankful for them being in my class and participating everyday in class so i dont have to to be clear the people i am talking about are and i will use initials are L.A, P.B-T, B.B, and finally Z.Z and if you are reading this and know who these people are good for you and if you do not then obviously you are not in my 6th period english class and therefore you will probably never know who these people are.

these people help make the class run smoothly and that will be the reason for me picking these people and the fact that i am truely greatful for them.

they are the ones who always know what to say when we are reading a story and are the ones that volunter to get called on to answer the questions and i cant iagine class with out them i could but it would be rough with no one wanting to voulunter so shout out to them being in my class and i am thankful for them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I celebrate myself

to start off if you dont celebrate yourself as a person then why are you living. to not be proud of what you do and to go and celebrate your accomplishments would be against just everything. if you accomplish great deeds you should feel the need to show it of like a dinner or something or do something against the norm which could be to celebrate the bad things you do but all the real bad things done in life will get you behind bars or on the run which will get you with nature and "free".

so what i am saying is different is not bad but it may not get you were you want but if it does get you there then by all means do it cause at the end of the day it is all about you and the way you want to celebrate yourself.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


were to begin with this great American writer. to start off he was born January 19, 1809 in Boston Massachusetts and died on October 7th 1849 in  Baltimore Maryland he was 40 years old. Edgar Allen Poe was considered to be a part of the American romantic movement. he is best know for his use of the supernatural in his writings. Edgar lived most of his life in Baltimore where he also got the name for his famous poem the raven after the Baltimore raven. the actual cause of Poe death is unknown but some say it was alcohol, brain congestion stuff like that.

some may not know but Edgar Allen Poe enlisted into the army under the name of Edgar a perry. he did this cause he was unable to support himself he said he was 22 years old when he was actually 18. clearly he was a huge success while he was alive because even now 100 plus years later we still read his stuff which is quite amazing to think that cause alot of the writers today do not have the same long term affect as this good gentlemen has done is awesome.

Friday, October 18, 2013

What it means to be an American?

America the land of the free. to call yourself an american you must first of all live in america and be involved with the american society and the way that americans live there life. the typical american i see is driving around on there car and spending there money that they get from working at there little jobs. americans are consumers they like to just buy buy and buy stuff and just make waste via pollution and actual waste when they throw things away and they go to landfills. americans need to have the latest and greatest things wheather it comes to shoes, phones or even the newest brand of toothpaste. the idea of being an american to me is that you want to be better than everyone else and have the best personal objects to show off to every one. americans are wasteres  they are selfish with everything that they have. they can do more than anyone else have a better life than anyone else in the world but what an american truely is that we will go to great lengths to get what we want. it is mostly about me me me and no one else in america so to be an american just think of yourself.  

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans

These people are not the ones that any american i know would want to associate with. for the simple fact that the way they think they should live there life is horrible. i would like to believe that these puritans no longer exist but i am probably wrong and they do exist. i would describe these modern puritans to be hopefully a little more accepting for people who question the church. these people would have to live in a remote rural area away from other people who are not puritans so like Montana and places over there is where u could find some of them. like i said before i hope that people in society today have chosen to go down this puritan life style cause that will get you living in Montana or something and everyone knows you don't want to live in Montana. other than that there really is not much too say about them just that they would be very mysterious people and live probably a very different life  than the normal american.

Also another tough thing is probably finding a job that you can work and still follow puritan rules that could be quite difficult.      

Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

the title i would have to give the man with the name of John Proctor would have to be a hero. even though hero do not usually die at the end of the day unfortunately this hero's days were coming to an end. his heroism all began when he chose to stand up to Abigail when they were alone together. he tells the woman that he will cut off his hand before he reaches out for her. this proves to me that he is a hero  because he could have easily went to a girl who was madly in love with him and started a new life but he stood up for what he knew was right and turned her down. a true hero like John stands up for what he knows is right like he did right there to Abigail. 

     the other reason and the biggest on i think by far for the reason i am giving John the title of hero is that again when all odds were against him he stood up for what he knew was right. he went ahead and decided that he wasn't going to have all these wrongly accused people be possibly sentenced to death anymore and just came out and said that for was with the devil and that he saw no one else with the devil it was only him. this decision spills the water out the cup put s him over the top and overflows the water in the cup of heroness and he will forever be a hero in my eyes. he did end up getting killed over this which is not good to see a hero die but when it comes to peoples rights and what they are accused of it can be looked at like MLK Jr. and he did end up being killed but he was a hero as well.  


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arrivals... There goes the neighborhood

           Who are they and why have they come here,the natives spoke in their native tongue. Why do they come here and try to change our way of religion as well as the way we have lived live for the past millennium. Do, they believe they are better than us. From what i have seen i do believe these things are here to get us and if we do nothing they will overtake us. 

           The questions seemed endless they ranged from  what is your defense like to even how are your women here. After they seemed to get all the information that they need we had a feast to invite these new people to our land and this is thanks to our so wise leader. I did not believe that this was at all a good idea but, since our leader said that we will have a feast then a feast we must have. For this feast we had used up all of this weeks game for these people traveled in massive groups more than our whole tribe. At least the feast went well and we all had a good time so it was quite successful. 

           Now that we have eaten with these people and gotten to know them for one day it seems that they are good people we must be some of the fortunate for some other tribes have gotten new comers and they tried to attacks them and take there land. 

           It has been two new moons since these people have arrived I they have got accustomed here and seem to be liking it here. Over this time we have gotten to know them as better people they explained to us why they came here and how they came here. It was all fascinating for we as a tribe have believed that us natives are the only people that lived in this place. These people did not try to convert us for they looked at us like family and hopefully they continue to live with us and we can live together in harmony for a long time.

                                                                              Eagle Watcher  Ocean tribe       October 15, 1549   

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Well this will be my first time blogging and i hope it is going to be a fun experience. A few things about me i love to play baseball as well as Reading no matter how much i hate to acknowledge it but i like to read especially fiction like Greek mythology especially the Percy Jackson series which is a great book series. i also love to swim just being in the water calms me but i also suck at swimming so who knows what that is about. well this is my first post and will be making many more so this is not a good bye but more of a see you later.