Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fictional Story An unfinished work

Run Run Run I shouted to my family and friends. The smoke was engulfing the entire city and I can't breathe I barely have my wits about me but, I think to myself what devil would do this have could he do this. What cold hearted selfish being will be able to do what he did. As I flee the city I hear bombs blow up in the distance and the screams of women and children who have seen catastrophe. the unimaginable amount of gunshots that pour on the workforce that had tried so hard to deliver the essential goods from the stations to Earth. He who was so close to the helping cause, ugh I can't stand it, he just cant do that to his own people. how can he  just turn on them and succeed in destroying them. He did not want to help other people! what was the reason for his insanity. Father worked his whole life on this work to have it all ruined by him and now the city is gone too. I just wish earth has a plan to save themselves because we will be unable to aid them in their endeavor. To believe that one of our own people who are loving and giving would commit such a horrible act that would have saved billions of lives is unimaginable and he lead them. Ok, let me relax now that I am away from the situation and tell you how it all began.
I live on a small planet that is not to far away from earth it is called Metis. On this planet I live with my Sister Ananke who is quite compulsive and is very demanding. My brother Erebus is conniving and dark also he is usually in the wrong end of a situation. My father Asclepius is a healer and runs the planets medicine distribution. I am Menoetius I make quite decisions and have a very short temper. Oh yeah one more thing I forgot to mention Earth is in Trouble with a deadly disease and our planet is the only one in the entire galaxy that can help cure them. This all happened when our army, should I mention that they hate my father and they hate that he is going to help them, delivered a shipment to earth that carried rare weapons and artifacts from the jungles of our home. Inside of one of these shipments was a deadly little creature that is only found in our harshest jungle environments the reason for that is because this little thing is very deadly it is about the size of a earth newt and as deadly as the most harmful diseases. This was first realized on planet earth when the creature that we call “Gila” slipped into an earth lake and killed all the people fish and animals in the water. Why is this creature so deadly someone on earth may ask is because of its abilities to produce electricity that can reach up .12 amperes. to do this incredible act the gila urinates out urinates out and if it gets into the water it is as if a million volts of electricity flow through your body to instant death. No one and i mean no one has ever felt the effects of this gila on our home planet and lived to tell the tale. To make matters even worse there have been multiple reports of sightings in different places which means that the gila has reproduced which is the worst thing possible because only a specific medicine that is only conjured on our planet can kill the gila. That person who can make this special elixir is my father he is head of medical distributions and is highly skilled in the medical field. He has made about ten vials of this stuff that will kill the gilas but it takes time to make more like a lot of time about six earth months.
This brings me to my siblings who aren't the nicest people in the world in fact they could be the meanest people in the world. For starters my brother is a crazy nutjob who is only looking out for himself and he occasionally helps out my sister to but that is a rare occasion. He hates what my father does he doesn't understand why we should help out Earth and he is also the leader of the military which scares a lot of people because of his short temperedness no one knows when he can blow which really frightens people to death literally to death two people actually went into cardiac arrest because of this.
My equally devious sister has tried to sidekick his wrong doing but she has a lot less evilness to her as compared to my brother. She is a little bit less important in the society with a few spas she has opened nothing really that important or big. It has been real tough on her since our mom passed away but, it has seem like she really has grown up without that womanly parental figure that is so important for a woman to have. It was actually on her fourteenth birthday when mom died it was quite sad she had gone down to the bakery to pick up the cake and a huge military truck ran into her like from out of no where it was the saddest day of my life. Till this day I believe that it was Erebus who had just become the military leader at the time to order her death he hated her for the simple fact that she said he was a mistake and he never let it go.                                   


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