Wednesday, October 30, 2013


were to begin with this great American writer. to start off he was born January 19, 1809 in Boston Massachusetts and died on October 7th 1849 in  Baltimore Maryland he was 40 years old. Edgar Allen Poe was considered to be a part of the American romantic movement. he is best know for his use of the supernatural in his writings. Edgar lived most of his life in Baltimore where he also got the name for his famous poem the raven after the Baltimore raven. the actual cause of Poe death is unknown but some say it was alcohol, brain congestion stuff like that.

some may not know but Edgar Allen Poe enlisted into the army under the name of Edgar a perry. he did this cause he was unable to support himself he said he was 22 years old when he was actually 18. clearly he was a huge success while he was alive because even now 100 plus years later we still read his stuff which is quite amazing to think that cause alot of the writers today do not have the same long term affect as this good gentlemen has done is awesome.

Friday, October 18, 2013

What it means to be an American?

America the land of the free. to call yourself an american you must first of all live in america and be involved with the american society and the way that americans live there life. the typical american i see is driving around on there car and spending there money that they get from working at there little jobs. americans are consumers they like to just buy buy and buy stuff and just make waste via pollution and actual waste when they throw things away and they go to landfills. americans need to have the latest and greatest things wheather it comes to shoes, phones or even the newest brand of toothpaste. the idea of being an american to me is that you want to be better than everyone else and have the best personal objects to show off to every one. americans are wasteres  they are selfish with everything that they have. they can do more than anyone else have a better life than anyone else in the world but what an american truely is that we will go to great lengths to get what we want. it is mostly about me me me and no one else in america so to be an american just think of yourself.