Sunday, March 30, 2014

Old Money, New Money, And Everyone Else

To be of old money is to already be established. To be of new money is to make your own name in the world. Well and everyone else is just not living in the world of Manhattan in the 1920s. The old money people  live in what is called East egg which means that these people have pre-established connections and that these people live a very luxurious life style. Whereas across the lake there is a place called west egg which is were new money is at which means that these people have made a name for themselves in this world and that they have worked for what they have and that they have not had a life of luxury while they grew up rather they had to make a life of luxury for themselves which is the real difference between old money and new money. As for everybody else who does not live in the Manhattan they could get there money any way that they can get it because in this time period the real important people lived in bug cities like Manhattan and either were apart of the old money or the new money.

In this time I would have liked to be either new money or old money because in the end I would have a lot of money which I could live a life of WHAT EVER I WANT. During this life I could get what ever I want and  be very happy with life because I would be so rich that money would not really matter. But I do live in a world like this but I have not been blessed with the fortune of old money but I still can be apart of the new money group which is were I were I want to be.